The comprehensive rights catalogue, crafted by Jaipur BookMark (JBM), showcases a diverse compilation of literary works in Indian languages including English. It accentuates their potential for rights sales and exchange, both within the Indian subcontinent and on a global scale, spanning various platforms, such as films, OTT, audiobooks, and ebooks. Each title is meticulously presented, including a cover thumbnail, a detailed book blurb, author or translator information, pagination, and the current status of available rights. Throughout the catalogue, 30 prominent publishers showcase 58 titles across 10 languages, from India's diverse linguistic basket. Drop us a line at if you're keen on a title, and we'll link you up with rights managers from various publishing houses featured in the catalogue.

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The Bulk Of Indian Language Publishing Happens In

Hindi, Urdu, Bengali, Malayalam, Telugu, Tamil, Assamese, Odia, Marathi, Gujarati, Punjabi, Kannada and Rajasthani.

One of the ways in which we are trying to bring Indian writing to the rest of the world is by launching Jaipur BookMark. It is well placed to showcase the best of such writing and to help facilitate the sale and exchange of rights both between Indian languages and internationally.

With our emphasis on translations, we hope to begin answering the question that publishers and agents from across the world often ask: How do we get to know Indian literatures and translate from, into and between Indian languages?

Our annual Translation Rights Catalogue brings a select list of works on offer for translation from key Indian languages compiled meticulously.



Mini Krishnan

Why do I publish translations of Indian writing? Because in them lie our own histories, our sense of identity and belonging.

Mini Krishnan - Oxford University Press India
Arshia Sattar

Because it makes the world smaller and our imaginations bigger.

Arshia Sattar - Translator and Co-Founder, Sangam House
Minakshi Thakur

Well, with a country which has 22 official languages and 1600 dialects, not working with translations seems impossible. In fact, it surprises me that more translations are not happening within our languages…

Minakshi Thakur - Westland
Arunava Sinha

In the current political environment, more than ever before, translations are important to bring out diversity as a core value.

Arunava Sinha - Translator